Delivering for Gipping Valley

Fixing longterm flooding issues in Great Blakenham

I was thrilled to secure funding from the Drainage & Flooding Capital Programme to fix flooding issues on Gipping Road. This was a 4 week project that saw pavement kerbs raised, large soak away installed, collapsed pipes replaced and drains unblocked. - DELIVERED MAY 2024

Bramford Road Re-Surfaced

This was THE number one complained about issue I recieved from residents. The state of Bramford Road had deteriated over serveral cold and wet winters that compounded the issues of the road surface decline. However, I was happy to finally secure funds to ensure that Suffolk Highway re-surfaced Bramford Road. - DELIVERED APRIL 2024

New Bramford 8b Bus Service

I was immensely proud to work with Ipswich Buses and Bramford Parish Council to secure the necessary funds from Suffolk County Council to deliver a new hourly, six day bus service for Bramford. - DELIVERED APRIL 2024

Pearsons Place Pavement, Henley

The state of the pavement had declined over a long period of time. Parents had difficulty pushing buggies and prams over the surface and this was unsafe for elderly people to use. I was happy to fund this new pavement from my Highways Locality Budget. - DELIVERED OCTOBER 2023

Sandy Lane, Barham

Sandy Lane, Barham road surface had seriously deteriated due to the number of HGV’s using this narrow road. This caused the side of the road to collapse to a dangerous level. I managed to esculate this and within a matter of weeks the road was repaired. - DELIVERED JUNE 2024

Little Blakenham Village Sign

I was happy to grant Little Blakenham Parish Council, £2,500 from my locality grant to help fund the village sign. It is a beautiful design and residents should be proud that this now marks the place of their community. - DELIVERED JULY 2024

  • New LED Belisha beacons were installed. These are much brighter allowing better visibility on Stowemarket Road when the sun is low. Local residents also no longer have to put up with the constant flashing of lights visible through their windows when its dark.

  • I was pleased to secure funding for the verges to be cut back. The pavement on Ship Lane had got increasingly narrow making it dangerous for pedestrians to use.

  • I was happy to support the Parish Council to reduce speeding on Norwich Road. I funded new signage and roundels to increase the speed limit awareness when driving through Barham.